Article Archive

  • Grand Slam Craps

    How many times have you had a decent roll of ten to twelve numbers, only to seven out and leave all your profit on the table? Sometimes good hands even turn out to be losing hands. How does that happen? Where’d all the money go? Well, the simple fact...

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  • I Feel Good! Bringing James Brown to the Dice Table

    Humor me for a few minutes. One of those singular moments that is freeze-framed perfectly in my mind was the first time I saw James Brown in concert. The year was 1964. The event was the T.A.M.I. show, a historical concert filmed in Santa Monica, California. The film also...

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  • Playing Craps With a Partner

    Think about it. Why do you play craps? If you’re like me you play for two reasons. First, you want to win some of that money the casino keeps in the cage. Second, you enjoy the action. It’s just a fun game, and playing with a partner is a...

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  • Did You Hear the One About . . .

    I’ve talked in the past about visual distractions; late bets, hands dangling over the rail, piles of chips in your landing zone, and new money on the table. All of these can be distracting for a DI. But some of them cross over into the field of aural distractions...

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  • X-Men and the Square Pair

    Those of you familiar with Superheroes and villains are no doubt familiar with Magneto of the X-Men comic series. Magneto, born Erik Magnus Lensherr, is a member of the Brotherhood of Evil and is a mutant who can create and control electromagnetic fields. He has this nifty helmet he...

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  • Using Pressure to Amp Up Your Play

    You’ve all been there. Standing at the table with your buddies looking on. Watching your every move. Waiting for the grand master to show them how it’s done. Then there’s the dealer chatting you up as the dice go out. The stick man leaning in. The pit critter making...

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  • Seven Reasons to Play Craps

    There was a time when Craps was the King of casino table games.  Then along came Blackjack.  But craps has made a resurgence lately for a number of good reasons. Here are seven reasons why craps should be YOUR game – 1. The player can gain a positive expectation...

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  • The Mathematics of Probability

    Every day thousands of people travel to resort destinations like Las Vegas with dreams of coming away richer. Closer to home, everyday you’ll see people standing in line at the local convenience store to play the lottery. They play the stock market, kick a couple of bucks in the...

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  • Tight Money and Loose Cannons

    A few years back the casinos were blaming the economy and tight money for their financial losses.  But was that really the problem.  Or should much of the blame for casino industry’s  fiscal crisis rest firmly in the laps of a few over-paid chief executives who thought the bubble...

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  • If You are a Skilled Shooter – Why are you Still Losing?

    No doubt you’ve heard this quote many times. “If you continue to do what you always did, you will continue to get what you always got.” I’ve used that phrase many times myself. So let me ask you a direct question. If you are a skilled precision shooter, why...

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  • Pulling the Trigger

    I often say that playing craps is like stepping onto a battlefield where you are pitted against the casino. Every wager on the layout has you at a disadvantage. The casino has unlimited ammunition in the form of its bankroll, while you are limited to the money you bring...

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  • Heavy’s Semi-Famous Four and Ten Progression

    Really, you can blame this one on my pal Shootitall. No, it’s not his progression. You’ll rarely see him with more than $10 at risk on the four or ten, and you’re more likely to see him laying it than playing it. No, this progression came about largely after...

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  • I’ll See Your Possibility and Raise You an Absolute

    A statistician I’ve been exchanging e-mails with for a few years made a bold statement awhile back. It went something like this: “There are probably fewer than  three people in the world who can demonstrate a long run in-casino SRR in excess of 1:7.” He went on to state...

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  • The Joy of the Grind

    A blackjack playing acquaintance of mine showed me a screen shot from his player profile in a Vegas casino known for sweating advantage players. Don’t ask me how he got the screen shot – I have no idea. But the screen shot was intriguing. It described this gent as...

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  • One for the Money

    While betting strategies don’t give the player an advantage over the game, they can be a lot of fun to play around with – particularly when they work. Here’s a strategy you can test out for as little as $26. Let’s play it out at my favorite locale –...

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  • Craps Seven Deadly Sins

    This article dates all the way back to 2004, when I first starting publishing my thoughts on casino craps on-line.  Some of the items I include  may sound a little redundant. If it seems like we’re repeating ourselves, it’s probably because we’re talking about some REALLY important aspects of...

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  • Three Precision Shooter “Don’t” Plays

    From time to time a player will ask me if playing the Don’ts is compatible with precision shooting. My answer – absolutely. Think about it. The seven is already the most powerful number on the dice. If you can throw MORE sevens than the law of averages says you...

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  • One Pass Wonders

    Can you make money on a one pass – seven number hand? If not, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate your play. With an SRR of 1:7 you have a huge advantage on the Pass Line with double odds, and the Place Bet on the Six and Eight. You may...

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  • Point Shooting

    During a live session at one of the craps clinics we did back in 2004, I was fortunate enough to get in on a hand tossed by a point-shooter. For those of you who may have missed out on my earlier discussions on this topic, a point shooter is...

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  • Revisiting Regressions

    One of the strategies many of us learned from the gambling legend John Patrick is the regression move. Simply put, a regression move is a play designed to lock up an early profit on a shooter and position the player for a larger win should the hand continue. It’s...

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