Article Archive

  • Ten Hours of Labor and a Coat of Primer

    One of the things “serious” craps players have always liked about the Axis Power Craps forum is the fact that I post my trip reports “warts and all.” That means when I have a losing trip I talk about it. I also encourage forum members to do…

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  • The Sexy (Sexist) Side of Craps

    If you haven’t noticed it yet you will soon enough so I may as well go ahead and mention the sexist side of craps. Ladies, if you are easily offended – please skip this article. . .

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  • Place, Buy and Lay Bets Explained

    In an earlier article I talked about the Pass and Don’t Pass bets as well as the Come and Don’t Come bets PLUS the all-important Free Odds bet. In all of these bets the actual “point” to be decided is determined by a roll of the dice. …

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  • Pass or Don’t Pass – Heads or Tails?

    The game of Craps looks extremely complicated to the first time player, but it’s not. In fact, if you can flip a coin and call heads or tails you can play craps. Why? Because at the end of the day craps is the same as a coin flip game….

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  • One Important Thing (and Seven Silly Ones) Every New Craps Player Should Know

    Whenever I talk to a group of new craps players I generally start off explaining some basic “craps etiquette” to them. The first thing I explain is when and how to buy in at the table. The “when” part is dictated largely by courtesy and superstition….

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  • The Four C’s of Dice Control

    Those of you who have attended my seminars or purchased the seminar DVD probably recall me talking about the Three “C’s” of a Good Grip of the dice. It’s a grip that provides Comfort, Control, and Consistency. But when it comes to precision shooting there’s a…

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  • Finding Discipline When You Have None

    I suppose we should get the bad news out of the way first. No one can teach you discipline. It has to come from within. What do I mean by discipline as regards to gambling in general, and specifically to casino craps? Simply put, it’s how you…

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  • Hooked on Carnival Bets – The Day Money Management Died

    Imagine yourself in a restaurant where a dozen businessmen are gathered around a table. About every five minutes each of them reaches into his pocket, takes out three dollars and throws it on the floor. What would you do? Pick it up, right? After all,…

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  • Wake-Up Your Right Brain Before Playing Craps

    Over the last fifteen years or so I’ve talked a lot on various web forums, in seminars and in newsletters about how important it is for the dice influencer to exercise his right brain. No, I’m not talking about the side of your brain that insists that you play…

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  • Short Bankroll Special – Four Ways to Win $120

    Okay, I’ll admit it. I’ve had days, particularly in the midst of a prolonged losing streak, where the most I could muster up for a craps session was a couple of hundred bucks. When I step up and buy in for – say six twenty dollar bills the first…

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  • Money Management Tricks that Work

    If you’ve ever attended one of my workshops or viewed the full version of the seminar on DVD you know that one of the questions I absolutely hate to hear players ask is “How do I know if I’m winning?” The answer, of course, is “Count your damn…

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  • Gambling – Risk vs. Reward

    Risk. We face it everyday. Risk from uninsured motorists. Risk from eating too much red meat. Risk from unprotected sex. Risk when we jaywalk in Vegas. Everyone, at some gut level, makes choices about risk every day – and in many cases these can be life or death…

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  • Gunny’s Super Eight

    The first time I met Gunny he shot me the finger. Well, that’s not exactly true. Actually he showed me his middle finger, where he’d been shot. Back when he’d owned a gun store a customer had brought in an unloaded pistol. Yes, you’ve heard…

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  • Bet Size, Theoreticals, and Casino Comps

    One of the first lessons you should learn as a craps player is to play for a profit – not for a comp. Yet casino comps can be an important part of your overall profit picture if you earn them intelligently and use them in lieu of spending…

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  • A 43 Number Hand and a $43 Profit

    I recall starting off one seminar last year with a statement that probably made a few of the attendees uncomfortable. The idea was simple. It’s almost impossible to lock up a decent win starting out with table minimum bets. What do I mean by table minimum…

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  • The Come Out Game

    In the Axis Power Craps Seminars I do around the country I talk about the fact that there are two distinct sides of the game. The first side is the Come Out game. The second side is the Point Cycle game. New players generally don’t recognize…

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  • Why it’s Harder to Win BIG at Craps

    A lot of players question my “recreational” slot play as being foolish. Fact is, I set aside a specific potion of my bankroll for slot play on every gaming outing. These players tell me I should stick to craps because the game has an extremely low house advantage to…

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  • It Ain’t Twilight but I’m Still in the Zone

    If it hasn’t happened to you yet, I can only tell you that it will.  Some day you’ll be standing at the craps table, tossing the dice and hitting numbers over and over, while time and the outside world seem to disappear.  Congratulations.  You have just entered the Zone....

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  • Big Al’s Army March System

    For many years we had an Axis Power Craps forum member known as “Big Kahnman” who loved to play around with different betting systems in the casino.  Big K was partial to one system that’s been around for years – reportedly developed by a graveyard shift dealer from Harrah’s...

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  • Hybrid Craps Plays – Do You or Don’t You?

    Every month we send out our forum newsletter.  Every month we receive newsletters from other gaming education outfits. It’s always interesting to read their take on the game – just as it is no doubt interesting to them to read what we have to say. To say we have...

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