Wake-Up Your Right Brain Before Playing Craps

Over the last fifteen years or so I’ve talked a lot on various web forums, in seminars and in newsletters about how important it is for the dice influencer to exercise his right brain. No, I’m not talking about the side of your brain that insists that you play the Do’s in craps. I’m not waxing political. I’m talking about that creative hemisphere of your brain – that little voice in the back of your head that tells you what color shirt to wear with which pair of slacks – the part of your brain that likes your food arranged just so on the plate – the center of your creative process. And yes, the place where your native intuition resides.

For those of you who have never studies the human brain, here’s a primer. The brain has two sides. Each side does its own job to do. The left brain is in charge of rational thought—logic, thinking things through, making decisions and calculating. The left brain is on full rock and roll all day for most of us. Whether it’s making a to-do list, doing Internet research on blackjack or poker, or replaying business conversations from earlier, your left brain is plugged in and in charge.

The right brain is the location of your intuition, and everybody has it. What is intuition? It’s the act of knowing something without rational thought processes. Some call it “precognition.” It means that knowledge or information has come to you without you really thinking about it or researching the answer. It’s automatic – and it’s speaking to you every minute of every day. You just need to act to the message it’s sending you. You don’t need special psychic abilities to tap it. You don’t have to climb a mountain in search of a guru who teaches you how to chant “Ommmm.” You don’t have to listen to endless self-hypnosis tapes or spend hours at a time learning to hear that voice. You simply have to become aware of it.

Emotions, senses, music, art and creative thought are all right-brain experiences. The problem is – in today’s society most people get so used to just focusing on left-brain functions that they forget to listen to their right brains. The solution? Quiet your mind by taking time to listen to music, sit quietly and just deep breathe. Relax. Your right brain communicates in a sensory way that is different than the left brain’s chatter.

Here are a few exercises to help you wake up your right brain:

1. Listen to Mozart. The “Mozart Effect” was first documented in 1997. Simply put – listening to Mozart makes you better.

2. Write a poem. My preference is for the 5-7-5 Haiku style, with 5 syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the last. For example: The red dice tumble – dancing on the green carpet – lovers, mothers, thieves.

3. Visit a museum. Find a work of art that intrigues you, then stare at it for awhile. What drew your attention to it? What does it say to you? Allow the art to speak.

Now that your right brain is awake, the next step is a big one. Exercise it. Just like anything in life, what we exercise grows stronger. So just take a few minutes each day to tune into your “new” way of knowing things. Listen to some relaxing music, then ask yourself a question. Make it something simple. Should I have soup or salad with dinner tonight? Then turn off the mental chatter for a moment and focus on your creative muse. Visualize that soup. See that salad. What do you feel/see/hear/think? Did the thought of salad turn you off? Did the thought of tomato basil soup make your mouth water? Go with it. Then, before you know it, you’ll get a confirmation from somewhere. Maybe you’ll see an advertisement for soup on the radio, or you’ll stumble across an old piece of Andy Warhol art. Most important will be that it will grab your attention. Trust me on this – it WILL happen when you are in tune you’re your right brain voice. Message sent – message received.

Another way to access your intuition is to give your left brain a job. That job is to take dictation. Take a piece of paper and write your question at the top. This doesn’t have to be a soup or salad question. It could be something to do with your craps play. For example, what is the best way to improve your game? Should you focus on playing the Don’ts more? How much of your bankroll should you risk on prop bets? How can I better manage my money? Then start writing, without stopping to think. Your right brain will dictate the answers and your left brain will be busy moving the pen into words on the paper. It sounds simple, but this is a great technique for accessing your inner voice.

The hardest part of any of this is simply being open to trying. Don’t judge yourself, don’t be afraid to be wrong. What’s the worst that could happen? You listen to your inner voice while at the craps table, turn your bets off for one roll, and miss one pay off on a place bet on the six or eight? Right or wrong – over the long run that move will likely save you money. Just try it and see what happens. I think you will be amazed at the results.